Friday, October 21, 2011

Supplies for a type 1 diabetic

As a parent you always worry about your children. As a parent of a type 1 diabetic child you have a few things more to worry about.

Last night as we were going to bed Shanie needed to test her blood sugar. She needed new test strips. So as I go to our cabinet to find a new box, there were none to be found. So I go to our closet where we keep boxes of all of her extra supplies, no test strips. So of course panic kicks in. We have a few extras stashed. So I go out to our van and find our back up stash. Thankfully there were some in there. However, when I have to find our back up, I get very nervous because that means that we are really really low in supply.

How do we let this happen you ask? With everything we need to make sure our daughter stays alive once in awhile something gets overlooked. Or we "think" we have it. We have supplies in the van, in the kitchen, in our closet and in a few backpacks. Here is a list of the things we have to have.....

Pump, reservoir, infusion set, insulin, lancets, glucagon, syringes, blood sugar meter, test strips, injector, ketone sticks, batteries for her pump, batteries for her tester.

We have to have all these things to keep her alive. So sadly yes sometimes something is overlooked. But that is why we do our best to stay on top of this and help her fight this deadly disease! We will never let her fight it alone. We will do everything in our power to make sure she always has everything she needs! :-)

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